Changes to TV Licencing

25 August 2020

TV Licencing changes

We have received many calls over the last few months regarding the TV licence. The following information should clarify the position for you.

Can I get a free TV licence?

Having sight loss does not automatically entitle you to a free TV licence. However, if you are registered blind (severely sight impaired), you can get a 50 per cent reduction (called a blind concession) on the cost of your TV Licence. Your licence will also cover anyone who lives with you, but the licence must be in your name. Unfortunately, you cannot claim this 50 per cent reduction if you are registered partially sighted (sight impaired).

Important changes for people 75 or over from August 2020

After August 2020 anyone over 75 and not claiming pension credit will have to pay the full licence fee. However, if you are registered blind (severely sight impaired), you can apply for the previously mentioned 50 per cent reduction.

Do I need to do anything now?

If you had a free TV Licence up to 31 July 2020, you don’t need to do anything now to stay licensed. During August and September, they will be writing to you to explain what you need to do to set up your next licence. You’ll have plenty of time to do that. Meanwhile, don’t worry – you’re covered.

Full information about how to claim a reduced TV Licence and the changes regarding free licences can be found on the official TV Licensing website. If you would like further information, contact TV Licensing on 0300 790 6130 or visit the website at