Data protection and communication with you
Many of you will be aware of the new regulations on data protection, called the General Data Protection Regulations, which came into force this May. This gives people more control over their data and how it is used. CIB has always taken its responsibility of taking and using personal data very seriously.
We have usually taken verbal consent to store and use information but we now have to be able to evidence that we have consent, particularly for email and text communication.
So that we can stay in touch to share relevant news and information, provide services and let you know how you can help support the work we do, we would be very grateful if you can call (on 029 2039 8900) or email at [email protected] to give your consent.
If emailing, please indicate with you would prefer to opt out of any of the following subjects of communication:
□ Services and products
□ General news
□ Campaigning and Volunteering
□ Fundraising
Please also indicate if you want to hear from us by email or text and provide the details or if you don’t want to hear from us by post or phone.