Music Appreciation

Our Music Appreciation group usually meets at Jones Court on the second Wednesday of the month between 2.00pm and 3.30pm. Piano keyboard and score

Our volunteer Derek puts together pieces of music for members to listen to – anything from classical pieces to big band music – and prepares a narrative to accompany each piece, as discussion points. If you are interested please, contact the office on 029 2039 8900.

Because we are unable to meet face to face at the moment, the Music Appreciation group is meeting by telephone at the moment. The meetings take place fortnightly on Friday between 11.00 and 12.30.  Contact Jane on 07864 964833 or email Val on [email protected] for more information or to book.





Want to Talk to Someone?

Get in touch using the details below:
Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones
Operations Manager
02922 749631