Assistive Technology
Do you need help with Technology? We provide support for people to use a range of technology including mobile phones, tablets, smart speakers and other technical devices either in our Resource Centre in Jones Court, Cardiff, a local community venue or in your own home. We also provide support over the telephone. We cater for people at all skill levels and you do not need to be registered blind or partially sighted. There is no charge for this service which can also be provided over the telephone. To find out more please get in touch by calling us on 02920 398900.

Our befriending service is a free, flexible and confidential service that matches service users with a compassionate volunteer. The befriending is individually planned and our volunteers can visit you in your home to use their sight in a practical way. The service helps people to remain as independent as possible by assisting them with daily tasks such as reading mail, shopping or perhaps accompanying them to an activity such as a café, theatre or a stroll in the park. All Befriending volunteers will have had an enhanced DBS check.

Clubs and social activity groups
Our busy club and social calendar cover a wide range of interests and activities including gardening, chair yoga, ramblers, VI photography, singing and knit and natter amongst others. These groups offer peer support and a great opportunity to try new things.

Contact Line
We keep in touch with our service users by telephoning them via our Contact Line service. We have trained volunteers making the calls, all of whom have sight loss themselves. They call for a friendly chat, offer advice and provide updates on our activities and services.

We understand that getting out and about and using public transport can be challenging for people with sight loss. We also understand the health benefits that being involved in your local community and maintaining a healthy, active, social and happy lifestyle can bring.
With this in mind, we are now in the process of recruiting volunteer drivers who, for a small fee to cover their petrol costs, would transport service users to our activity and support groups. All drivers will receive the appropriate training, including sighted guiding, and all will have had an enhanced DBS check.
Please get in touch if you think you could benefit from a volunteer driver.

Home Visits
Our highly trained team are here to provide essential practical and emotional support and guidance for anyone with sight loss. You do not need to be registered blind or partially sighted to access this service. A home visit or telephone call can be arranged to provide you with advice to help you to continue living independently and confidently. These appointments are appropriate for those who are newly diagnosed as well as those who have had sight loss for a long time. If you’re in need of some advice and support for you or a loved one please get in touch.

Hospital Support
We have an Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) based full time at University Hospital of Wales (UHW) in Cardiff who works closely with medical and nursing staff in the eye clinic to provide those recently diagnosed with an eye condition practical and emotional support so they can understand their diagnosis, deal with their sight loss, and maintain their independence.
Receiving a diagnosis of an eye condition can be an overwhelming experience and our ECLO service means that patients, their families and carers understand the full impact of a diagnosis and where to go to get extra support. The ECLO acts as a contact for most things regarding sight loss and provides advice and guidance in many areas. They are able to talk through a diagnosis, discuss registration, sign post to external support and make referrals for various key services.

Information Days
We hold regular sessions which offer peer support for people living with sight loss, their friends, family, and anyone affected by visual impairment. The course is interactive with lots of opportunities to share experiences with others who understand the frustrations of living with sight loss. Topics include:
- Emotional Wellbeing
- Eye health
- Getting out and about
- Making the most of leisure time
- Meeting new people
- Practical skills for everyday life
- Technology

Resource Centre
We have a range of products available to make everyday life easier and more enjoyable for people with sight loss. We provide advice and support on selecting and finding the right products for you. We have a number of aids and gadgets that can be tried out including:
- Talking clocks/watches
- Eye Shields
- Accessible leisure items (e.g. large print playing cards)
- Stationery (bold pens, large print diaries/address books)
- Kitchen aids (e.g talking scales)
- Magnifiers
- British Wireless for Blind players
We also have a small range of desktop video magnifiers (CCTV) for you to try and we can discuss and demonstrate the accessibility features of smartphones, computers and tablets.
You can drop into our Resource Centre in Jones Court during our opening hours however, we would strongly recommend you book an appointment if you require technical or in-depth support.
Appointments are available Monday to Thursday between 10am and 3pm, please call us on 029 2039 8900 to book.

Referrals and sign posting
If you would like to refer someone you feel could benefit from our help and have their consent, please complete the referral form. We can take referrals from family, friends, carers, and other professionals and third sector organisations. We pride ourselves on delivering a holistic service and work in partnership with statutory and third-party organisations to make onward referrals as appropriate.
Referral form